Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 9 weigh in and updates.

Today marks day 9 of the plan and I wanted to share my results.

Day One 
Day Nine
So you can see that I've lost 5lbs exactly. My body fat has reduced from 37.8% to 37.1%. Its also important to note that the weight-loss is NOT water, because my body water levels have increased. My BMI has also gone from 33.3 to 32.4. 

I have to be honest, I was feeling a little disheartened over days 6, 7 & 8. After cleansing on days 3 & 4, my weight had dropped to 183.4 lbs, but then on days 6,7 & 8 my weight had gone up 184.2 lbs. I kept telling myself that it was to be expected, I mean, I was just having liquids for 2 days, so of course my weight was going to go up when I had my food and shakes. 

I think the other part that made me sad, was reading other people success with losing 8-15 lbs on the 9 day cleanse. I was really hoping that I would be one of those lucky people and see the big weight-loss in the 9 days, but reap even more benefits for doing the 30 days. I keep reminding myself to be grateful for the weight I have lost so far and to stop comparing myself to others....its just so hard!!!!!!!

I am going to continue the plan into the 30 days just to see where it takes me.  

I am also going to take measurements on day 11 like the booklet tells me to. 

I'm handling the plan very well. The funny part is I absolutely LOVE the shakes and see it like a treat. I mix them with ice and make them like ice-cream. I love the taste of all the products to be honest, I didn't at first but I do now. 

Yesterday, I went for a 3 mile walk and I was exhausted afterwards. I should state that it wasn't a walk on flat land, it was more like a hike. I had the 'want more energy?' drink afterwards and that stuff is awesome! I decided to Google this item and see how much it sells for. I am a bit annoyed with how expensive this stuff is. I don't want to sell the stuff. I don't like the idea of badgering my friends to by stuff from me. If people like the results they see, then great, but I'm not going to Facebook the crap out of something, it just becoming plain annoying. 

So tomorrow is another 2 day cleanse and I'm just praying I will be getting into the 170's this week. 

Fingers crossed!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Making the perfect shake, my first cleanse, pooping and day 4 weigh in.

Okay, so its Thursday January the 16th and I am now on the 2nd day of the cleanse. 

I was a bit nervous doing the cleanse, mainly because I have done many other cleanses before and felt like utter crap. 

But first I want to talk to you about my second day on the plan and getting the right mix for the shakes. I had said before, that I like my shakes to be almost like a blended milkshake. I find that the normal consistency for the shake is not so nice, I reminded me more of cake batter consistency if anything. So my trick is 2 scoops of the powder and about 4 oz of water and about 6 ice cubes, blend and serve. YUMMY!

I am now officially on day 2 of the cleanse and I have to admit, day one was hard. I just couldn't stop thinking about food, thank god for the snacks. I am a little disappointed, that on the guide sheet, they make suggestions for the ISA Chocolates, but don't include that in the kit. I feel that if you are going to suggest something that much, it really needs to be a core item in the plan. I want to start of by saying I LOVE THE ISA FLUSH! I am from the UK and it takes like a drink from home, Vimto. So as soon as I tasted it I thought WINNING!

I decided to incorporate a brisk walk into my day today, for about 30 minutes. So far I have not exercised. I wanted to wait. I felt my body needed time to adjust to the change, because I was feeling a little weak on day 2. 

I think I will start my gym on the 6th day, doing light walking on the cleanse days and one day after. 

The 2nd day of the cleanse, not bad at all. In fact, I just feel better. The cleanse doesn't make you rush to the bathroom, like other cleanses, however I am going to the bathroom more. I do not have an upset tummy nor do I have runny poo either, its just normal pooping but on a more frequent basis. Maybe I feel good because I'm getting all the nasty stuff out? We will see. 


So I am now on day 4 of the plan, 2nd day of cleansing and here are my results so far. I haven't measured, I wont be doing that til day 11. I love my scales and the fact I can see that its not water weight I am losing! I weighed myself the morning of day 4 and i am a little over 3lbs down.

I will blog again in another 2 days. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

And so it begins......

Its day one! I started the day of with the Ionix Supreme and the color of it, is worse than tastes. My recommendation, DRINK IT HOT!

The shake, I'm on the fence about. It doesn't taste like crap, but it doesn't really taste of anything. I also need to test and find a way to make the consistency something I like. I like mine to be like the Frappucinos you get at McDonalds...icy. So once I figure out a good way to make it, I will post. 

The 'snacks' are very odd. I made the mistake of chewing right into the things, so I learnt by the 2nd one, to suck it. It really does make a difference. 

So, the first day is over and my first down fall has been not eating enough. The hardest part for me is calculating calories and worrying its too much and not eating enough. I can tell I did this today. 

Its 8.55PM and I am a little hungry and I will make a hot Ionixs before bed. I must remember to drink more water. 

So I will update this blog after during the cleanse process. I am doing the deep cleanse plan. 

Wish me luck


I bought new scales to measures body fat, body water, weight, BMI and Bone percentage, because my previous downfall has been using scales that just detail weight. Its motivating to see fat loss.

So here are all may measurements and stats on the morning I started the program:

  • Weight: 188.2
  • Body Fat: 37.8%
  • Body Water: 45.3%
  • BMI: 33.3%
  • Bone: 6.5%
  • Neck: 13.75 inches
  • Upper Arm Left: 15 inches
  • Upper Arm Right: 14 inches
  • Chest: 43 inches
  • Diaphragm: 37 inches
  • Waist: 39 inches
  • Abdomen: 44 inches
  • Buttocks: 47 inches
  • Upper Thigh Left: 28.50 inches
  • Upper Thigh Right: 29 inches
  • Calf Left: 16 inches
  • Calf Right: 17 inches
  • Upper Knee: 18.5 inches
  • Upper Knee Right: 20.5
GOAL: 135/140lbs with BMI of 23/24, Body Fat: 22%

What's in the box?

So I received my box of products and I wanted to share this with you all. I think if you are going to purchase this plan, its good to see what you can expect. 

Here is what the box and contents looks like. I ordered the cheaper options for the 30-day plan, so you can see I have the canisters instead of the single serve items. I don't know why, I was expecting the containers to be bigger, but I do like the idea that they give you 4 canisters vs. one big one. 

Using a milk carton, to give you size comparison.

I didn't really understand the plan fully, until I received the box and read the guide.  For those who want to buy their shopping ahead of time, so they can kick start the plan as soon as you get the box, I've attached the food guide. 

I have also decided to do the 30 deep cleanse plan, this is what it requires:

Here is a photo of what a shake day and cleanse day requires:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Okay, so here is goes! I took the first step of actually ordering the Isagenix program today. I think the biggest turn off for these plans is the money part. I have been thinking about trying this plan for over a year, but after a number of health issues in my life, I finally decided to bite the bullet and buy it and see for myself - does Isagenix work? 

Since moving the the USA in 2005, my weight has gone up and up and up and up. I'll be honest, I am no angel when it comes to food. When I moved to the US I was like a pig in shit. The options and choices for food and drinks, blew my mind. I wanted to try it all. 

I started a corporate job in 2007, which was the start of all my evils. In the UK, I would walk to the train, then walk to catch the Underground, to then walk to my office and then walked all over the city throughout the day. In my new job, I drove to work, sat on my ass all day, to drive home and it on my ass some more. Add in the corporate office dining hall with all the fatty foods you could wish for, and then my drive to and from the office, which involved my Dunkin donuts stop to order my French Vanilla Ice Coffee, extra, extra - pretty much, my new way of life became a recipe for disaster. 

If I could go back in time and stop my bad habits, I would, but I can't. How could I be so stupid, not to realize, that the only reason I was able to eat like a horse before, was because I literally walked 7 miles a day? Compared that to my then, less than a mile everyday lifestyle, mix in the food intake, what else could expect, but weight gain?

Now its 2014, and a lot has happened since my corporate days.  I was laid off, I sustained a head injury 2 years ago that greatly affected me, mentally and physically and now, in addition to the head injury, I have a number of current health issues that have brought me to a point where I have had enough. From 14 migraines a month, to cysts on my ovaries, to intestinal inflammation and infection - I just don't have the energy to do basic daily tasks. 

I am more than aware, that it is going to take more than just following the diet plan to get results. I do exercise whenever my body allows. 

As I write this blog, I will go into more details about my health issues, but for now I want to details my goals and use this as a measure for determining, if Isagenix works. 

My goals:
- remove toxins from my body - I want to cleanse my body of all the BS so stop inflammation/infection. 
- be healthy - stop feeling sick and help my migraines. 
- ENERGY! - I need more energy in my life, I want to start running. 
- clarity - I feel like i'm in a fog and want to feel more focused. 
- positive thinking - with the above items, I want to feel more positive about my life, having things go in the right direction for once. 
- weight loss - I want to see the old me. I want to fit into my old clothes. 

So here is to my Isagenix start.