Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 9 weigh in and updates.

Today marks day 9 of the plan and I wanted to share my results.

Day One 
Day Nine
So you can see that I've lost 5lbs exactly. My body fat has reduced from 37.8% to 37.1%. Its also important to note that the weight-loss is NOT water, because my body water levels have increased. My BMI has also gone from 33.3 to 32.4. 

I have to be honest, I was feeling a little disheartened over days 6, 7 & 8. After cleansing on days 3 & 4, my weight had dropped to 183.4 lbs, but then on days 6,7 & 8 my weight had gone up 184.2 lbs. I kept telling myself that it was to be expected, I mean, I was just having liquids for 2 days, so of course my weight was going to go up when I had my food and shakes. 

I think the other part that made me sad, was reading other people success with losing 8-15 lbs on the 9 day cleanse. I was really hoping that I would be one of those lucky people and see the big weight-loss in the 9 days, but reap even more benefits for doing the 30 days. I keep reminding myself to be grateful for the weight I have lost so far and to stop comparing myself to others....its just so hard!!!!!!!

I am going to continue the plan into the 30 days just to see where it takes me.  

I am also going to take measurements on day 11 like the booklet tells me to. 

I'm handling the plan very well. The funny part is I absolutely LOVE the shakes and see it like a treat. I mix them with ice and make them like ice-cream. I love the taste of all the products to be honest, I didn't at first but I do now. 

Yesterday, I went for a 3 mile walk and I was exhausted afterwards. I should state that it wasn't a walk on flat land, it was more like a hike. I had the 'want more energy?' drink afterwards and that stuff is awesome! I decided to Google this item and see how much it sells for. I am a bit annoyed with how expensive this stuff is. I don't want to sell the stuff. I don't like the idea of badgering my friends to by stuff from me. If people like the results they see, then great, but I'm not going to Facebook the crap out of something, it just becoming plain annoying. 

So tomorrow is another 2 day cleanse and I'm just praying I will be getting into the 170's this week. 

Fingers crossed!

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